This is why you should choose your own boss
The reasons to actually choose your own boss and mentor is clear: It gives you, as an employee, the CHOICE to choose from whom you can learn the most.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Erik Østergaard contributed 131 entries already.
The reasons to actually choose your own boss and mentor is clear: It gives you, as an employee, the CHOICE to choose from whom you can learn the most.
Hvordan kan du med tre tavler skabe en rytme for din organisation? I denne episode gennemgår Puk Falkenberg og Erik Korsvik Østergaard, vores rytme fra strategidag til ugemøde. Lyt med og få inspiration og fif til, hvordan du kan finde og skabe en rytme for din organisation.
In this article you can read about four things you can learn about change management from improv-theater in a constant changing world.
It’s easy. It’s a minimal amount of effort and stuff you need. Basically, just post-its, black pens and wall space. If you really want to go all in, I’ll recommend you find one of those small whiteboards or a flip over.
When you start embracing differences instead of convincing others that you’re right, your team will start being more productive, because the collaboration will go smoother.
Den moderne lederne vælter med vilje dele af sin organisation, for at rejse det igen. Formålet er at udfordre det bevidste ”vi plejer”.
This is the second part of a two-piece blog post about modern people leadership, about the rhythm and daily mechanisms of modern people leadership
Hvorfor det er svært at implementere forandringer i organisationer, og hvordan man ”bygger dem ind i” organisationen og ikke ”knapper dem på”.
This is the first part of a two-piece blog post about modern people leadership, describing the frame for your work and collaboration.
I episoden lægges der vægt på, hvordan forandring og filosofi hænger sammen, og Emil hiver fat i både forandringsteoretiker John Kotter og neurologen Hilary Scarlett.