Being a Modern Leader
Modern People Leadership is a paradigm shift from ‘leading products’ to ‘leading people’: You take care of the employees, so that they can take care of the business. But how?
What does it take to create the framework around your employees? And, how do you then run your business and maintain a rhythm for handling business issues and ensuring that the employees are in focus too? How do you understand motivation? How do you avoid unhealthy working climate? And finally, how do you approach distributed leadership and distributed decision making?
This Learning Path shows you:
- how to create the framework and the rhythm,
- how to support the development of your employees,
- how to ensure a great working climate,
- and how to work with distributed leadership.

Part 1: Framework – the foundation of Modern People Leadership
Each team or group of people that are gathered to collaborate must have a set of landmarks and foundation elements in place. The modern leader is obliged to make sure, that what you are, what you will, and then what you do are clear to all team members.

Part 2: Rhythm – running your business and taking care of people
Once you have the framework and foundation of your team (or business unit or organization) in place, you should start paying attention to the daily and weekly cadence and maintenance of the team. This includes both people and progress and products.

Part 3: Supporting your employees’ development – The Pizza Model
The Pizza Model shows four areas, that describe the components of roles in an organization.
The model is useful for understanding competences, for debating mutual wishes for development, and for agreeing on the spectrum of delegation.

Part 4: A healthy, motivating working climate – and how not to get stress
This blog post is part of a series on stress and motivation. It introduces the neuro-physical effects of stimuli and how it applies to working conditions, like motivation, expectation management, psychological safety, and stress.

Part 5: Distributed leadership – involving others in a healthy way
Modern People Leadership and new ways of working is also based on collaboration and the need for individual decision making and mandate. But how do you do that?
How do you handle delegation, mandate, and expectation management, while at the same time creating trust and psychological safety? The podcast is in Danish.
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Quiz: Modern People Leadership
Modern People Leadership is a paradigm shift from ‘leading products’ to ‘leading people’: You take care of the employees, so that they can take care of the business.
This Learning Path intended to show you
- how to create the framework and the rhythm,
- how to support the development of your employees,
- how to ensure a great working climate,
- and how to work with distributed leadership.
Take the quiz to test your learning.
Book recommendations
Do you want to read more? Feel free to explore the Bloch&Østergaard-web, or dig into these great books:
Amy C. Edmondson: “The Fearless Organization”
Daniel Pink: “Drive – The surprising truth about what motivates people”
Angela Duckworth: “Grit“
Kenneth Mikkelsen and Richard Martin: “The Neo-Generalist”
Perry Timms: “Transformational HR”
Richard Sheridan: “Joy, inc.”
Alexander Kjerulf: “Happy Hour is 9 to 5” and “Leading with Happiness“
We created this Learning Path with the most basic and relevant things on Modern People Leadership. If you want to learn more on this topic, we recommend you dive into our blog posts and the tool collection. You can also try another Learning Path to broaden your horizon.
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