Tag Archive for: Leadership

Maybe you’ve heard it before; ‘we’re living in a VUCA world’. But what does VUCA actually mean, and why are we using it to describe the world we live in?

We’ve made a status on Future of Work highlighting four things we see right now: Pace of change, digitalization, way of organize and the millennial mindset.

Every individual gives a contribution to achieve a collective goal, but how to lead towards a shared purpose in teamwork?

It’s hard work to create a safe space for your team. It is equally hard to maintain and nurture this safe space when first created.

If you want engaged employees, you should be engaged in them – and regular feedback is a way to be engaged in your employees.

In this article you can read about four things you can learn about change management from improv-theater in a constant changing world.

When you start embracing differences instead of convincing others that you’re right, your team will start being more productive, because the collaboration will go smoother.

This is the second part of a two-piece blog post about modern people leadership, about the rhythm and daily mechanisms of modern people leadership

This is the first part of a two-piece blog post about modern people leadership, describing the frame for your work and collaboration.

We need to look at the difference between pushing and pulling. Push sounds a lot like command-and-control, while pull sounds more engaging.