Tag Archive for: Generation Z

Promote AI as a youngster

Three keys to use technology as a tool to empower yourself instead of fearing losing your job, according to a youngster.

Why having an age friendly workplace is crucial to your business

How can organizations create an age diverse workplace, where younger and older generations thrive and learn from each other?

istributed leadership, when youngsters lead youngisters

Leadership is all about people first, leading human to human. Navigating as a youngster can be difficult, with older leaders who don’t necessarily put people first or lead with distributed or situational leadership in mind.

How to lead across generations

What defines generational behavior? How has technology has impacted generations? Here are three things to focus on when leading agross generations.

Leading a team has just become a bit more challenging with now four – soon five – generations on the workplace. So how do you motivate every generation?